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HacBurn Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is HacBurn?

A: HacBurn is a script written in perl to aid in writing CDs. It is a graphical interface (aided by The GIMP Toolkit) to cdrtools, mpg321, cdparanoia, LAME, vorbis-tools, eject and CDDB_get.

Q: What dependencies do I need?

A: HacBurn currently depends on gtk2-perl, cdrtools, mpg321, cdparanoia, LAME, vorbis-tools and the CDDB_get perl module. Obviously you need X and a window manager that supports Gtk+.

Q: How do I install and run HacBurn?

A: See the INSTALL file in the HacBurn tarball.

Q: How do I request a feature?

A: Use the e-mail link in the navigation bar on the top of this page or simply click here.

Q: How do I send in a frequently or not so frequently asked question?

A: See previous question.

Q: Where did the logo come from?

A: The logo was kindly provided by Iani Tararache (ianitararache [at] gmail [dot] com).

Q: What is your versioning scheme/tag convention?

A: For up to date development code the CVS page of this site will be used. As I work on code I will put it up here on this site. As the code matures to a more usable level, I will make a release. For example, the next release will be HacBurn-0.3.5. Check out the CVS page for more info.